Our Direct Primary Care Specialties

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Looking for a Direct Primary Care Practice that Focuses on Prevention First? You’ve Found It.

Our direct primary care practice offers you so much more than convenience.

Sure, you get that, too, through same-day appointments and increased access to your doctor (just to name a few benefits). But all the convenience in the world isn’t a substitute for optimal health, right?

This is why our doctors’ primary goal is to get you as healthy as possible—and keep you that way.

The direct primary care model supports this goal better than any other model available in the US. How? By shifting the focus to YOU and your immediate needs instead of quotas, insurance premiums, and time limits. (Psst. Learn more about our Total Wellness Network, which is available to all members.)

Our practices accept no more than 600 patients (the average primary care practice serves more than 2,500).

This allows our concierge doctors to develop personal relationships with each patient. They get to know your unique needs, your specific health risks, and your ultimate desires for well being. From there, they work with you to create a wellness plan that treats any issues you have today, while preventing further issues from starting tomorrow.

OK, so you’re intrigued by our direct primary care practice and would like to learn more.

What should you do next? Take a moment to explore our specialties below and see which one might be the best fit for you and/or your family.